Exacta Solutions is the result of a two-man collaboration that has grown into a team 13 people strong, who together have accumulated over 50 years of collective experience in the industry. The team attracts top talent and offers a consultative approach that reflects what is happening in the market.
Exacta Solutions’ main focus lies within the iGaming market, which is the area in which the team holds the highest level of expertise. The iGaming space has been experiencing growth for the past 15 years, with no sign of slowing down. When Mr Vella first penetrated the market back in 2005, iGaming was still in its infancy here on the island. As the industry landscape developed, it started to diversify into other areas related to iGaming, such as FinTech and IT – two spaces that Exacta Solutions also operates in.
What exactly does Exacta Solutions do?
Exacta Solutions is all about headhunting and going out to market. The company differentiates itself because of its extensive network. Its services lie in two main areas: recruitment, and mergers and acquisitions; both of which have one thing in common – networks and connections. The bigger you grow in the businesses, the more connections you make and the better the connections, the more relevant and lucrative they become for the business.
Recruitment remains Exacta Solutions’ primary business. In such a competitive market, the company’s unique selling point is its people. The team’s combined years of experience, knowledge in the field, and globally established network – which has been curated over the years – are what Exacta Solutions considers to be its competitive advantage in such a crowded marketplace.
The 2020 global climate required a few weeks of adjustment for the company, especially considering it had just launched a few months prior to the pandemic’s primary outbreak. However, business quickly took off again, and the industries the company operates in swiftly adapted to the new reality. As a matter of fact, online businesses – as we know now – experienced exponential revenue growth. Exacta Solutions also used this unprecedented shift to its advantage, expanding its global reach and enabling it to maintain momentum and growth.
Exacta Solutions’ recruitment services also include a comprehensive consultation with specialised team members, to identify gaps and opportunities for their clients. They advise on the way forward, providing in-depth consultation from organisational set-up to reward structures and methods of hiring. In addition to regular recruitment, the company’s collective extensive professional network allows it to offer C-level search and headhunting to its clients.
So, whether you are a professional looking to shift your career trajectory, or a candidate just starting out in the bustling iGaming business, then the team at Exacta Solutions will put in the effort to get to know you, your skills and your preferences, so they can best match you with the perfect role, all the while maintaining strict confidentiality.
Mergers & Acquisitions
The iGaming industry has witnessed a surge in the adoption of merger and acquisition (M&A) processes over the past few years. However, COVID-19 has brought about a number of logistical obstacles when it comes to securing deals and making the right B2B introductions.
From a practical perspective, the lack of social interaction that the world has been forced to abide by has altered the process. However, the appetite for investment has not been dampened. Strong demand persists, both from people who are looking to sell, as well as those looking to invest in new opportunities.
There are several essential steps involved when it comes to approaching a successful M&A deal. Firstly, one must understand that two entities are at stake, and it’s likely their teams haven’t ever met before. The role Exacta Solutions plays is bringing one opportunity to the table and matching it to the other party’s expectations. Mr Vella reiterates that the match-making process is the most critical part of any M&A deal.
Once both parties agree that they are interested and would like to proceed with the deal, the more technical aspects of the process come into play, some of which may be outsourced to partners. This is where financial diligence, corporate due diligence, the contractual aspect, and price negotiations come in. Once the latter action points are dealt with, the contract is signed and both parties can celebrate.
What lies ahead?
Moving forward, Exacta Solutions’ main priority will be to continue to expand on the current growth that the company is experiencing. The target for Exacta Solutions will be to follow the same trajectory and operate along the same business model, expanding on both a market and a geographical level.
This feature was first carried in the Winter 2021/2022 edition of iGaming Capital magazine, the sister publication to iGamingCapital.mt, both produced by Content House Group.
Featured Image:
Chris Vella, Exacta Solutions Managing Director
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