Kindred Head of Responsible Gaming & Research Maris Catania

When she is not hard at work on her PhD, Maris Catania is devising innovative ways to keep players safe with Kindred, a leading online gambling operator headquartered in Malta. Maris occupies the post of Head of Responsible Gaming and Research.

She is continuing to improve ‘PS-EDS’ (Player Safety – Early Detection System) and has been awarded the Gambling Compliance Most Significant Contribution to Responsible Gambling Research for three consecutive years.

What has been the most important moment in your career so far?

It is difficult to choose one moment from a career of over 10 years, but I have really valued the opportunity to learn from people who have lived with a gambling disorder. I am inspired by the excellent work of treatment centres and learned a lot working with renowned researchers on the topic.

How do you hope your work will influence iGaming?

I hope that my work influences the sector to move towards a more protected gambling approach, where responsible gambling is at the top of the agenda. It is important to ensure the gambling sector is safe, supportive, non-exploitative and set up to help people stay in control.

What is your prediction for the future of iGaming in Malta? Responsible gambling can be seen in a negative light but a sound approach to non-exploitative gambling can help companies introduce long-term, sustainable strategies. Responsible gambling will become more important for every stakeholder and, by prioritising this, companies can move towards a brighter, more ethical future.

This is the first part of an eight-part feature first carried in the Winter 2021/2022 edition of iGaming Capital magazine, the sister publication to, on the eight most influential women in Malta’s iGaming sector

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